Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Actually Sunday

With the Jewish holidays approaching alternate side of the street parking will be suspended on Monday and Tuesday. This makes the option of using my car today easier, as I hate coming back on a Sunday night and trying to find a place to park.

I guess going to Roxy's is an option. So would supper at my house. I had somewhat stale and then microwaved Doritos with srirach for breakfast around 1400 hrs. I'm still a little hungry. I put half n half in my Chai tea today and I'm running low on sugar. I think I have only one bag of Chai left. After that I may have to resort to herbal teas.

My internet has mysteriously started working, for two days now. Someone must have inadvertantly fixed it.

The weather in Timbuktu is temporarily unavailable.

I may get a piece of toast. Correction, I did get a piece of toast. The A1 bottle full of Ketchup that I received for Christmas isn't the best for pouring, I microwave it for a few seconds as I keep it in the fridge. 

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