Saturday, May 11, 2013

An Open Letter to the Climatologists

Dear Climatologists,

What's all this about anthropogenic climate change? What? Not only are you forecasting 100 years into the future now, but the forecast for bad weather is our fault? Where did you get this idea from, a Christmas Carol? It reminds me of a visit from the ghost of Christmas future. I wonder what Dickens would think... And where's your track record, sir? My word, this is very disrespectful towards the weather. If I was the weather I would not be happy. As much as you try to control it, it cannot be tamed. Build houses out of trees, buildings out of stone, because you can't make yourself the master of the weather. Isn't that too bad? Well, evidently you'll stoop to anything to try, or at least to make people think you can. Perception is reality. Isn't that what they say in 'the biz'?

If you all are so certain of yourselves, then why don't you tell us how to behave so that we can get sunny days with a constant 72F outside? That would help with energy usage. Might it be that there are some folks who happen to like the weather the way it is, who happen to like that the climate always changes, even when it doesn't, sir?

I'm glad you like to think the earth's atmosphere is your laboratory. Maybe you'd like another where you can ban the use of cars so that you can study the effect. Or maybe another yet. I guess if you put them on the same orbit they won't hit each other. Any asteroids that might be lead astray from their original path by the other earths probably won't hit this earth anyway. Right?

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