Saturday, October 5, 2013

Making Tap Water Taste Good

When my tap water comes out of the sink it doesn't taste very good. If I put it in a bottle and put it in the fridge it tastes better, but mainly just because it's cold. It still has an off flavor. The trick is not to put the cap on the bottle. After a day or so it tastes as good as bottled water to me. I guess what's happening is similar to the case with soda in my previous entry. There are dissolved gases in the tap water that make it taste bad. In the case of soda you want to keep the dissolved gases, but in the case of water, you want to get rid of them. Keeping the cap off let's them diffuse out of the water and into the fridge, where they are easily accommodated.
Three bottles of tap water in the fridge sans caps.

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