Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Packing Up Leftovers at a Restaurant

Sometimes, when I have chicken wings, the sauce has some kick to it, and sometimes it has less, even though I ask for the same thing at the same place. I don't subscribe to the old adage that more sauce equals hotter. It usually just means more vinegary.

In general, I prefer to pack the leftovers from my meal myself. Because whoever packs them doesn't pack everything. They make some kind of judgement about what I really want and what I don't want. Often leaving extra sauce that might take a few seconds to put in the box. When you want something done right, do it yourself. Who better knows what you want than yourself? Maybe they're afraid that if they give you the box you'll load it with other things, like ketchup, mustard, salt shakers, knives and forks. I suppose some people would do that, and I guess I get it. Don't make it too easy for them.

On the other hand, there's this one bartender that does a great job packing the leftovers. She puts little tops on the plastic cups for the leftover jalapenos, crushed red pepper, and the like, so they don't spill. So, there's an exception to every rule, as she does a better job than I would do.

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