Friday, December 21, 2012

The Holiday Convenience Store Occurrence

I'm pretty hungover. I had a 6 pack and half a bottle of red wine. I often get my 6 pack, of magic hats, at the convenience store as I'm walking home in the evening. It costs 11 dolluhs, a pretty good deal around these parts. Wednesday night, when I went there last, as I was about to purchase it, the guy behind the counter, who is Indian, or Bangladeshi, or the like, I think, says that he wants to ask me something. He goes behind the Lotto display and comes back with a wrapped bottle. It was wrapped in silvery foil paper and tied with a bit of ribbon. So, he says to me I don't know what this is, what is it? I'm a bit bewildered, because it's clearly a bottle, but it's wrapped, so how would I know better than he? Nevertheless, I went along and as the bottle was tied around the neck, I moved the wrapping down a bit and could see that it was a bottle of wine. So, I said, proudly, "It's wine." So, then he says the supplier for the magic hats gave it to him, but he doesn't drink. He told her that (I think he said her) he didn't drink, and she said then to give it to a good customer. So, he asked if I would take it. I was rather flabbergasted, but I accepted it. I was also buying a Haagen Daz pop, so my bill was 14 dolluhs. I gave him a 20 and said he could keep the rest. He seemed happy about that.

The wine was Avalon cabernet 2010. It looks like it cost about 12 dolluhs from my web investigation. Just the kind of wine that I like, that is, red. So, that's what I drank last night. It was decent. I was thinking, that in a way I bought wine in a convenience store, which isn't proper round these parts, but I really didn't. He gave me a gift, and I gave him one too.

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