Saturday, January 19, 2013

Giant Mussels

I recently went to a Thai restaurant where my friend had a seafood dish. It had in it some of the largest mussels I've ever seen. Their shells had a bit of a greenish tinge. I'm a little ashamed to admit that I find the idea of eating certain shellfish a little challenging. These mussels would fall into this category. I once dissected a clam in school, and it has everything in there, and when you eat one of them, that's what you eat. Now I do eat mussels, clams, and oysters, and I eat them raw or cooked (well, I don't know if I've eaten raw mussels). I guess I have the most trouble with oysters, but I like their briny flavor, and I eat them. Although I did recently have a fried Oyster Po-boy which I wasn't quite up to completely finishing.

The thing is these mussels are huge. The meat is a good 2 inches lengthwise (after cooking). You can't hide what you're eating from yourself. They actually taste pretty good though, much better than some mussels I've had. I still have a couple in the fridge in the doggie bag from that night. I had 1 last night, and I had 1 at the dinner. I think they were too much for my friend, she left them for me. After I had the one last night I kept on thinking I shouldn't have, but it really wasn't bad. It would be better if it was chopped up and mixed in. Below is a picture of the remaining mussels with a cork screw for scale. From my investigations, it looks like they may be New Zealand mussels.

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