Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why do I have to Get a Flu Shot?

I don't understand this urging to get a flu shot. I think I've had the flu before, probably quite a few times. But since I never go to the doctor, I haven't been diagnosed with it since I was little, when I had no choice but to go to the doctor. They say you can't get the flu from the shot, but your arm can bother you, you can get a low grade fever, and stuff like that. Well, I'm glad they're so concerned about me, but I'll take my chances. In fact, a couple weeks ago I was pretty sick, maybe I had the flu, I don't know.

Now if they want to tell me, that I should get the shot for public health reasons, then maybe I would get it. But that's not what they say, they say I should get it so that I don't get the flu. At least be honest, don't masquerade a public health concern as a concern for me. I am not afraid of getting the flu, I don't want to get the flu, but I think I have the right to make the decision to get a flu shot or not by myself. After all, I'm not little anymore.

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