Friday, January 4, 2013

Stepping Away From Things

This whole process of stepping away from things seems to be a distinctly human trait. I don't know much about anthropology but I've recently become aware of the fact that the extant subspecies that is identified with the modern human is not homo sapiens, but homo sapiens sapiens. Near as I can tell "homo" is just the word for human, and sapiens is the word for wise. So, modern humans are wise wise humans. Does this mean they are wise about being wise? A kind of meta-wise? Seems neanderthals were also homo sapiens, but not homo sapiens sapiens. Is this homo sapiens sapiens a kind of stepping away from stepping away from things? Another level of consciousness? If so, is there another stepping away coming, and are some homo sapiens sapiens actually homo sapiens sapiens sapiens? And what would that be like?

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